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  • Stan: Go! Let's get out of here!
    إذهب، لنرحل عن هُنا
  • Yo, we need to get out of here.
    علينا الخروج من هنا
  • ♪ Gonna get out of this strait ♪ ♪ jacket ♪ whoa ♪ cuckoo
    ? سأتخلص من هذا الجاكيت الضيق ?
  • Get 'em out of here.
    ! إخرجوهم من هنا
  • (gémissant) ♪ if I don't get out of here, I can't be blamed Vous êtes sûr?
    متأكد ؟
  • I Can ' t get it out of my head.
    "لا أستطيع إخراجهُ من رأسي"
  • ♪ I think I'm going to Katmandu ♪ ♪ that's really, really where I'm going to ♪ ♪ If I ever get out of here ♪ that's what I'm gonna do ♪ K-K-K-K-K-K-Katmandu ♪ I think it's really where I'm going to ♪ ♪ If I ever get out of here ♪ I'm going to Katmandu Salut, Dean.
    الطريق حتى الآن (مرحبًا (دين
  • - Il doit bien y avoir un moyen d'obliger Regina à quitter la maison. to get Regina out of the house.
    لإخراج "ريجينا" من المنزل.